
Rainfall intensity until the beginning of Jun-15 on coffee plantation areas (lowland and highland of Southern Sumatra), lower than the previous month and hence, farmers at highland areas began to harvest the crop because cherries have been ready to pick.

Usually month of June is already in dry season at all areas in Southern Sumatran but according to the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG), during dry season, there will be possible for rain falls. At the moment, the weather in Southern Sumatra is generally hot in the morning and rain begin in the afternoon or evening with a low intensity and it is not affect to the maturity process of coffee cherries.

Harvesting Crop and Deliveries

By the end of week 23, about 33.2% of Southern Sumatra Robusta (equal to about 117,575 Mton) has been harvested where about 68.0% of them are coming from low land areas. Some of lowland areas are now in peak harvesting and some areas of this lowland almost to the end of the season.

About 49.1% of this harvested coffee has been delivered (equal to about 66,676 Mton) where 48,576 Mton of them were delivered to Bandar Lampung and the rest (about 18,100 Mton) were delivered to other areas and/or delivered to local roasters. That means, by the end of week 23, there were about 18.9% of total production of Southern Sumatra Robusta for this crop year, have been delivered.

If we compare total harvesting until end of week 23 (117,575 Mton) with total delivered (66,676 Mton), we could confirm that about 50,899 Mton of harvested crop still on the hand of Growers and Middlemen because they still believe that the price will still possible to increase.

From below table we can notice that total deliveries to Bandar Lampung of this new crop for the same duration (11 weeks from the starting of deliveries) of this new crop is higher 22.4% than last crop year.

Supply & Demand

Total export of Southern Sumatra Robusta from Panjang Port in May-2015 (25,223 Mton) is about 0.1% higher than total export during Apr-15 (25,197Mton) and this is much higher (about 110.2%) than a year ago in May-14 (12,000 Mton).

For 12 months year-on-year export volume from Panjang Port (YoY) of May-15 (269,040 Mton), it is about 17.7% lower than YoY of May-14 which was about 326,831 Mton.

Based on our records on Supply & Demand for Southern Sumatra Robusta as per 31-May-2015, we still believe that the exporters in Bandar Lampung are still holding some stock and our best guess, total stock in Bandar Lampung warehouses by the end of May-15 is about 26,415 Mton

Here is the detail of our records on S&D for Southern Sumatra Robusta:

Updated S&D for new crop year 2015/2016 as on                                       




Carry-in from 2014/15

Production Southern Sumatra Robusta 2015-16


Total availability 2015-16



Exported  end of May 2015

Delivery to others or/and as graded coffee end of May 2015

Delivery to other areas outside Bandar Lampung 

Delivered as graded coffee to exporters in Bandar Lampung 

Total disappearance by end of May 2015


Balance availability by end of May 2015


Stocks Exporter (incl. graded coffee purchases)

Stocks Upcountry collectors and farmers



Subtotal  On Tree


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2 komentar:

  1. KISAH NYATA..............
    Ass.Saya ir Sutrisno.Dari Kota Jaya Pura Ingin Berbagi Cerita
    dulunya saya pengusaha sukses harta banyak dan kedudukan tinggi tapi semenjak
    saya ditipu oleh teman hampir semua aset saya habis,
    saya sempat putus asa hampir bunuh diri,tapi saya buka
    internet dan menemukan nomor Ki Kanjeng saya beranikan diri untuk menghubungi beliau,saya di kasih solusi,
    awalnya saya ragu dan tidak percaya,tapi saya coba ikut ritual dari Ki Kanjeng alhamdulillah sekarang saya dapat modal dan mulai merintis kembali usaha saya,
    sekarang saya bisa bayar hutang2 saya di bank Mandiri dan BNI,terimah kasih Ki,mau seperti saya silahkan hub Ki
    Kanjeng di nmr 085320279333 Kiyai Kanjeng,ini nyata demi Allah kalau saya tidak bohong,indahnya berbagi,assalamu alaikum.


    ((((((((((((DANA GHAIB)))))))))))))))))

    Pesugihan Instant 10 MILYAR
    Mulai bulan ini (juli 2015) Kami dari padepokan mengadakan program pesugihan Instant tanpa tumbal, serta tanpa resiko. Program ini kami khususkan bagi para pasien yang membutuhan modal usaha yang cukup besar, Hutang yang menumpuk (diatas 1 Milyar), Adapun ketentuan mengikuti program ini adalah sebagai berikut :

    Mempunyai Hutang diatas 1 Milyar
    Ingin membuka usaha dengan Modal diatas 1 Milyar

    Syarat :

    Usia Minimal 21 Tahun
    Berani Ritual (apabila tidak berani, maka bisa diwakilkan kami dan tim)
    Belum pernah melakukan perjanjian pesugihan ditempat lain
    Suci lahir dan batin (wanita tidak boleh mengikuti program ini pada saat datang bulan)
    Harus memiliki Kamar Kosong di rumah anda

    Proses :

    Proses ritual selama 2 hari 2 malam di dalam gua
    Harus siap mental lahir dan batin
    Sanggup Puasa 2 hari 2 malam ( ngebleng)
    Pada malam hari tidak boleh tidur

    Biaya ritual Sebesar 10 Juta dengan rincian sebagai berikut :

    Pengganti tumbal Kambing kendit : 5jt
    Ayam cemani : 2jt
    Minyak Songolangit : 2jt
    bunga, candu, kemenyan, nasi tumpeng, kain kafan dll Sebesar : 1jt

    Prosedur Daftar Ritual ini :

    Kirim Foto anda
    Kirim Data sesuai KTP

    Format : Nama, Alamat, Umur, Nama ibu Kandung, Weton (Hari Lahir), PESUGIHAN 10 MILYAR

    Kirim ke nomor ini : 085320279333
    SMS Anda akan Kami balas secepatnya

    Maaf Program ini TERBATAS .

  2. Cadangan kopi robusta asal Semarang bisa di katakan cukup.
